CAMDEN Major Johnny L. Galbert recently received a promotion in the United States Air Force. The ceremony given by Col. Matthew O. Snyder, Chief of the Nuclear Deterrence Operations Division and was held at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
Galbert is the Chief of ICBM Transport Security, Headquarters U.S. Air Force Directorate of Plans at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The Directorate of Plans develops, integrates, evaluates, and analyzes the Air Force Program across the Future Years Defense Plan and is responsible for maintaining the integrity and discipline of the Air Force Corporate Structure process.
Galbert is a native to Camden. He is the son of Rudie and Irene Galbert of Camden.
He graduated and received his commission as Second Lieutenant from the University of Arkansas with a bachelor’s of arts in criminal justice. He is a career missile officer and has served in a variety of training and operations positions including Senior Evaluator Combat Crew Commander, Assistant Chief of Standardization and Evaluation, Chief of ICBM Force Applications Testing, and Flight Commander. He is a graduate of the Air Force Weapons School and also served as a weapons squadron instructor.
Prior to his current assignment, he was an Air Force Fellow at the Department of Energy, National Security Administration in Washington, D.C.