For a student athlete, the late Spring is like the last 50 meters of a 200 meter run. They look back at everything they've accomplished over the year and realized the long haul is behind them. For a senior student athlete, the last 50 meters may even feel like a bitter sweet celebration. It's the last few times that you will be able to take the field with your classmates, but there's prom, award ceremonies, and graduation. But for a school sports fan, the last 50 of the 200 meter race is a sign of things to come: The dreadful 3200 Meter run of the summer.
This is the time when there are no school sports going on. Yes, there's some AAU basketball, some 7 on 7's and some travel baseball and softball. It's a time that can be beneficial for student athletes and its always cool seeing teams that are a collection of the best from an area and not just the best from one school. Getting to see rivals play on the same team is always interesting and it leads to camaraderie. Summer sports showcase our youths' talent but it doesn't feel the same as seeing your alma mater is suiting up against a rival school.
Because of this, school sports fans tend to think this is the worst time of the year. When in fact, its the most critical.
Fall championships are built during the Spring offseason and it's vice versa from Spring championships. Those 7 on 7's and summer workouts indicate the type of teams we will see in the Fall. When the students are showing up for those volleyball and tennis workouts, its a good omen.
Of course, there's no busses from other schools on the parking lot, but the support is still needed. The offseason is a time for fans to show their support by participating in fundraisers and offering rides or meals. Talk to the coaches and see what you can do as a parent or a fan to make sure a child is excelling in the class as well as on the fields and courts.
This is the unique time of the year for the fans to shine.