Outstanding Women of Distinction award five scholarships to area students

Alivia Lindsey
Alivia Lindsey

The Outstanding Women of Distinction have awarded five $1000.00 scholarships to local based on the criteria below. Scholarships of $500.00 will be given over two semesters of the freshman year provided the recipient has maintained at least a 2.5 GPA.

1) The recipient must be a high school graduate from Southern Arkansas with a diploma or GED.

2) The recipient must have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 which is a C+.

3) The recipient must be going to college or vocational school the semester unless there is a problem such as illness, etc. following

4) The recipient must send proof that they are enrolled in college or vocational school before they receive the scholarship.

5) The recipient must be actively involved in community events/affairs and must have participated in at least two extra-curricular activities, such as sports, dramatics, choir, community service, etc.

6) The recipient must have a goal to pursue a college degree or professional trade.

7) The recipient must tell in 75-100 words or less their future aspirations.

8) At the end of the first semester, OWOD must be provided proof that the recipient is still enrolled in college or vocational school and has maintained a 2.5 GPA.

President Essie Arnold stated, " We congratulate the students on their academic achievements and all their future endeavors.

Recipients are as follows:

  • Jayla Marks- A Camden Fairview student who will attend Louisiana TechUniversity in Ruston, La.
  • Tricia Nweke. A Camden Fairview student who will attend Emory and Oxford University.
  • Kelvin Thompson - A Camden Fairview student who will attend Grambling.
  • Jasmine Sanchez - A Bearden High School student who will attend the University of North Texas.
  • Alivia Lindsey - A Harmony Grove student who will attend South Arkansas University.
  photo  Tricia Nweke
  photo  Jayla Marks
  photo  Jasmine Sanchez
  photo  Kelvin Thompson

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