Members of the Ouachita County Quorum Court met for their December meeting and for five members this was their final meeting.
The meeting on Monday began with presentations of plaques to five Justices of the Peace who have ended their tenure of service with Quorum Court.
County Judge Robert McAdoo began the presentation saying, "I really appreciate the service that you folks have given to Ouachita County."
"I'm just not going to do all the talking," McAdoo said. "If any other elected officials would like to say anything to the to the men and women that are going to be in their that are going to be in their last Quorum Court meeting tonight as an official justice of the peace. You're welcome. The floor is open."
The first official to speak was Ouachita County Circuit Clerk Gladys Nettles.
"It's a bittersweet moment," said Nettles. "I'm going to miss each and every one of you and I seriously mean that. You have helped us as elected officials, stay on target with our budget; you asked questions; you took such interest in what we do in our office. I appreciate you more than I can say. My staff appreciates you. And we are truly going to miss such efficient Quorum Court members as you are."
Ouachita County Assessor Tanya McKenzie spoke next and said, "I just want to thank each and every one of you. I've only been here two years but in that time-frame, you all have been very welcoming to me and supportive and have always asked me if it was anything that you all could help me to do. And I just want to appreciate you, tell you I appreciate you for everything."
Ouachita County Sheriff David Norwood said, "I"d personally like to thank y'all and Mr. Haley. I appreciate it you're special."
Norwood continued saying, "Y'all have put in a lot of hours and stuff to help us on our budgets. Gone beyond a lot of people would have done and I appreciate it. Anytime we ever had a problem. Judge, he would get in touch with you, let you know what the problems were. You come through with us and I appreciate it."
Ouachita County Clerk Sherri Hunter also addressed the members to express her gratitude.
"I just appreciate working with y'all," she said. "This is, to me, the best Justice for the Peace we have in the State of Arkansas. And I enjoy working with y 'all. Thank you."
McAdoo presented a plaques to each of the departing justices and thanked them for their service.
The first plaque was presented to Linda Hines, Justice of the Peace for District 8, for one year of service.
Next, Essie Arnold received a plaque for two years of service a Justice of the Peace for District 10.
Erma Brown was presented with a plaque for six years of service as a Justice of the Peace for District 4.
"Thanks to everybody," said Brown. "It has been such a blessing to provide services to our county and to our community. And may God continue to bless all of you."
Dennis Truelove was the next to be honored with a plaque for 28 years of service as a Justice of the Peace for District 7.
"Biggest improvement we've made while I was here is, A, got the courthouse redone, B, got this detention center built, and C, got this budget back on running," said Truelove. "We got the detention center and the county sheriff's office a dedicated budget and I do sincerely thank all of the members of the court, as well as the elected officials."
The last of the Justices to be honored for their years of service was Raymond Furlough.
Furlough was presented with a plaque for 32 years of service as a Justice of the Peace for District 5.
McAdoo said, "Raymond Furlough has been like the father of the quorum court. He's been here 32 years, y 'all. 32 years. And at one time he was on the quorum court and the school board. So I had two time two occasions to work with Mr. Furlough. And it's been my honor and my pleasure."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the Quorum Court, it has been a pleasure to work with you," Furlough said. "I've worked in different places, but I've never worked with people that were so easy and agreeable and we understood we had a task, and it wasn't our mission -- we had a task and we accomplished all of it... Judge we appreciate you in more than one capacity."
He continued saying, "You've been an excellent Judge and I appreciate the pick of the constituents of District 5. This was easy because of you... I want to leave with one thing. I've been here for 32 years and for the very first time y'all saw me fly but you couldn't see the wind that was beneath my wings. She's right here."
After Furlough made the reference to his wife the attendees applauded.
Furlough concluded saying, "At this point, it would be a good time for an old gray guy to shed a few tears, but I don't see a ol' gray guy anywhere here."
McAdoo concluded the presentation by saying, "I do thank each and every one of them."