The Harmony Grove Elementary School held its Victorious Veterans program on Thursday, Nov. 7.
The program was presented by the 4-6 grade students and included music and readings performed by the students.
The 4-6 grade students sang, "This is My Country" to open their show and followed the song with the pledge of allegiance and a prayer.
Songs performed during the program included: "God Bless America", "You're a Grand Old Flag", "Thankful for the U.S.A." and "Proud of our Veterans".
Students read narration about America's historical conflicts between the songs.
One of the narrative sections was about flag etiquette and included information about how the flag should be displayed and if and where is can be worn on clothing.
There students who were chosen as winners in an essay contest titled "What is a Veteran?" read their essays.
Special guest to the event, WWII veteran A.J. Quarterman was given a special recognition for his service following the essays.
All veterans present were invited to stand in front of the stage and the students sang, "Proud of Our Veterans" for them.
The program ended with everyone in attendance being invited to join in singing "The Star Spangled Banner"