Questions were raised regarding the city's budget for the Camden Police Department during Camden City Council's November meeting.
The financial report, prepared by the accounting firm the board of Alderman had decided in a previous meeting to hire, was called into question by several city council members for a lack of information in the financial report due lines within the Camden Police Department's budget
Donna Stewart, city clerk, was unable to answer the council's questions about the lack of information as she said she was not the one who prepared the report. She said the information had been in the system one day but wasn't the next time she looked. She said she would be asking the accounting firm about the discrepancy.
There was then a question from Alderman William McCoy about the solid waste and why money had not been spent.
Street Superintendent Earl Porchia said he had been trying to hire a company for the waste removal but had been unable to so far.
Despite these questions, the council members all voted to approve the budget.
Rezoning Ordinances
Ordinance No. 13-24, "an ordinance rezoning certain property located in Section 16 Township 13, Range 17 West of the City of Camden," was the only piece of old business set before the council.
The ordinance would rezone one area of the city to allow for manufactured homes to be placed in the area without the need for a special permit.
The council voted to suspended the rules and put the ordinance to a third and final reading and a vote for approval.
The board voted unanimously to approve the ordinance.
Resolutions approved
Resolution No. 50-24 was the first piece of new business at the meeting.
The resolution was to appoint Brandon Everett to the Airport Commission and the board voted unanimously to approve.
Resolution No. 51-24 to re-appoint Kyle Gatling to the Airport Commission was also approved with a unanimous vote.
Fred Lilly was appointed and Rudie Galbert was reappointed to the Water and Sewer Commission with unanimous approval under Resolution 52-24 and Resolution 53-24, respectively.
Resolution No. 54-24 to amend the 2024 operating budget for the fire department to buy new helmets was also approved with unanimous approval.
The final resolution was No. 55-24 and was to re-appoint Mike Cash to the Water and Sewer Commission.
This final resolution was unanimously approved by the council.
In other business Alderman GeraldCastleberry asked if the city employees would receive bonuses this year and was told it was being looked into.
Alderman L.E. Lindsey said he was looking into options for a dedication for Officer Buckshot Smith.
Council members said they would still like to rename the police department building in his name, but an additional dedication would be a good idea. It was decided to have a vote on the renaming of the building at the December meeting.
Alderman Brady Renix asked why the playground equipment for Carnes Park was taking so long to install and was told by Mayor Charlotte Young the company has a policy to install equipment at schools first, but the installation would begin on Friday.
Alderman MarvinMoore asked for the newly elected Aldermen to be included in the budget meeting and was told they would be invited to attend but not allowed to vote.
Moore next said he thinks the city has a need for a homeless shelter.
He referenced the soup kitchen the mayor spoke of in her report and said he had been feeding the hungry in Camden since 1989.
"And we don't wait until Thanksgiving. We don't wait until Christmas," he said. "That was out of pocket. I'm not blowing my whistles but folks hungry every day -- not just the holidays."
Renix then brought the recent shooting on McCullough to the attention of the council saying his sister's car had been shot in the incident. He asked why the mayor had not mentioned a community meeting he said was scheduled for the November 25
Young said she hadn't announced it yet because she didn't have all the details.
Renix said the meeting is supposed to help the community be involved with the choice in who is named the next Chief of Police in Camden.
"The police, they're going to have the mind of the people; they're gonna have the heart of the people," he said.
Returning to the topic of the shooting Renix said, that while raising a child correctly starts in the home it still takes a community. He said he hopes the mayor looks at these issues and that the city owes transparency to the citizens.
Young made no comment in response to Renix about the shooting incident and the meeting was called to adjourn.