The 36 Annual Camden Christmas Parade will be held on Dec. 2 and the deadline for entries is rapidly approaching.
The entry deadline for this year's Christmas parade is Nov. 22. In addition to the nonrefundable $10 fee all entries to the parade must fill out an entry form and return the fee and form to the Chamber of Commerce by Nov. 22 at 3 p.m..
There is no entry fee for public or private K-12 schools.
The Chamber is also accepting donations and sponsorships for the parade. The cost of a billboard with name and company logo to be included in the parade is $25.
The categories in which entries will be judged in the parade are:
- Best Decorated Float
- Most Instrumental Band
- Best Decorated Vehicle (car/truck)
- Best Decorated Recreational Vehicle (RTV, Side-by-side, slingshot, etc.)
- Horse or Horse Drawn Wagon
The parade entries are to line up before the parade no later than 5:30 p.m. with late arrivals not being allowed to participate. Vehicles are to meet for line up at the Tech building located at 625 Adams and all walking entries will meet at the elementary school near the Chamber of Commerce.
There will be security at the parade to prevent anyone from joining after the line-up deadline.
All entries in the parade are required to abide by the rules found in the entry packet which states: any entry or person not following any of the rules, "will be subject to removal by the Camden Police."
The parade will begin at 6 p.m. on Dec. 2.
Information and entry packets can be found at the Chamber of Commerce or on the Chamber's Facebook page under the Christmas Parade post.