Saturday, October 26 multiple fires were reported across Ouachita County.
The first fire of the day was reported dispatch as a woods fire in the area of Hwy 57 and Hwy 387 at around 2:30pm. Chidester Fire Department responded to the call. No injuries or significant damage was reported in connection to this fire. The cause of the fire is currently unknown.
The next reported fire in the county was near the Frenchport water tower on Hwy 7.
This fire was initially reported around 7pm as a woods fire, but when Ouachita County Sheriff's Department, Frenchport Fire Department and Elliot Fire Department responded it was discovered the fire was an illegal burn. A resident was burning three piles leaves on his property. He was told the county is under a burn ban and extinguished the fires.
OCS Deputies reported no citation was issued.
At around 8 p.m. a fire was reported in Bearden.
The fire was reported as a woods fire with a male and female subject on scene attempting to extinguish the fire. There was not a reported cause of the fire at the time.
Bearden Fire Department responded and the fire was extinguished.
Another woods fire was reported in the Bearden area at about 8:20 p.m.
This fire was located on Ouachita 246 north of Bearden, Bearden Fire Department responded and extinguished the fire. The cause of this fire is unknown.
The next fire of the night was reported in the Bearden area on Ouachita 247.
This fire was reported as a woods fire with unknown cause. Bearden Fire Department and Fire District One responded and were able to contain the fire.
East Camden Fire was initially called for mutual aid with this fire, but the call was cancelled as fire fighters were able to contain the fire before East Camden could arrive.
Another fire was reported to emergency services in the area of Ouachita 97 and Ouachita 98.
Bearden Fire Department and Fire District One responded to the call and were able to contain the fire.
The last fire of the evening was reported at around 9:40 p.m. on Hwy 79.
The Bearden Fire Department responded to this call of another flare up of the fire from two weeks ago which burned over 100 acres.
The flare up of this fire was small and remained within the plough lines dug by forestry, The Bearden Fire Department was able extinguish the fire.
As the dry conditions continues these fires may rekindle.
Ouachita County remains under a burn ban and the entire state is at high risck for wildfires.
No further information is currently available about the any of the fires in the county on Saturday.